Tuesday 5 August 2014

The Chinese in World War I

A few years back I wrote an article about Lu Zhengxiang, the Chinese Prime Minister who, after leading the Chinese delegation to the Versailles Peace Treaty, became a Catholic monk and priest.

I've now come across this excellent presentation about the Chinese Labour Corps during World War I which puts some of his life in context.


  1. Wonderful material on this blog. Thank you so much!
    May I just mention Cynthia Harnett whose historical novels for older children include two in which Catholicism is the backdrop for the plot, although Miss Harnett was not herself Catholic. I`ll check out the titles and post another comment....

  2. Miss Harnett wrote 4 children`s novels set in 15th century ( Catholic) England. All these titles are out of print but used copies can be found via online outlets.

    1."The Woolpack" won the Carnegie medal and was published in USA first as "Nicholas and The Woolpack" and later as "The Merchant`s Mark"; it deals with intrigue in the wool industry.

    2." The Load of Unicorn" was published in the USA as "Caxton`s Challenge" and later as "The Cargo of the Madelena"; it is set in the midst of the new printing industry.

    3. "Ring Out Bow Bells" was published in the USA as "The Drawbridge Gate" and is set at the time of Dick Whittington.

    4. "The Writing on the Hearth" references Chaucer`s descendants and deals with choices between good and evil; there is a particularly good Wikipedia entry on this novel which I recommend reading before deciding to track down a copy: it deals with the witch Meg who plays a key part in plot and character development.
